

V is for Virginia (a euphemism).

We have small children at home who are just coming into the “why/what’s that” stage. The other day, the littlest one asked why I had a rug under my covers on my bed.


“It’s not a rug, it’s a towel.”

Why do you have a towel under your blankie, mommy?”

“Because I want it there.” (As you may have guessed, it was there for adult purposes…)

Little girl sighs and chides, “We don’t put towels under blankets, mommy. That’s just not …(pauses searching for right word)… true.” She then pulls the towel out from under the covers and I promise to put it where it belongs later.

So we use a lot of euphemisms in our house.

Virginia = vagina (we have a corresponding name for J`s penis, but I think he would die if I wrote it here)

Mommy and daddy’s cuddle time = Sex

(Me) I shaved for you = I’m bare down there and dying for action!

(J) I’ll take care of you later = I’m revved and ready

I’m sure there are others, but those are the ones I can think of right now. Do you have euphemisms you use at your house?

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