
Almost never! At least for me. I have, however, realized that there is one part of our lives in which I am completely fine with being submitted to Jeremiah: driving.


When I am in the car with Jeremiah driving, I am fully relaxed. I can sit back and enjoy the ride. He is not a perfect driver. He goes too fast and gets too close to other cars before braking (IMHO).


But he has experience, and he is a very competent and confident driver. I know that he is far more experienced and talented in both navigation and operation of a vehicle than I, and I yield the drivers seat to him every time without thought or hesitation. That doesn’t mean that I don’t warn him if I see danger that I don’t think he’s seen, but it’s rare that I feel the need. He also doesn’t take offense when I mention an obstacle or issue to him–I don’t know if that’s because he’s confident in his ability or confident in my belief in his driving prowess.

I wish my submission in our marriage was always this easy and that he would take control of other things the way he does the car. But, alas, it it’s not so. Maybe we will grow into it…

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