
Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this month of alphabetical ramblings! To end the month, I thought I’d do something different. I wanted to do a meme on myself, but couldn’t find one. During my research, quite accidentally, I came across a “What Superhero Are You” quiz, and I couldn’t resist. So my Z post will be a bit silly. 🙂


I’m a self proclaimed geek and goody-two-shoes, so I was unsurprised to have the results show that I was an equal match for both Superman and Spider-Man. Now if I could just have Superman`s super speed and stamina, I might be able to keep up with my two preschoolers!

Which superhero are you?

This spanking blog challenge is being undertaken by several blogs. If you want to read others, click the link below to go to the blog hop.

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